#yuuji and ino messed up
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Thirst Trap
Genre: Fluff, humour, crack.
Characters: Nanami, Yuuji, Ino.
Summary: Ino and Yuuji unwittingly make Nanami IG-famous through a social media post. As the internet's thirst ramps up, Nanami remedies the situation by roping in the two young sorcerers once again.
CW: language.
"Now that's what I call ... "
"A good run!"
"Oh, hell yeah. You're not half bad, Itadori! Just stick close to me, and you'll learn plenty more!"
A warehouse stained with the remnants of dispatched cursed spirits, clothes rumpled and stained with the evidence of hard work and a new student brimming with the desire to prove himself. Now this was Ino's definition of a day well spent. The last, and most proudly worn feather in his cap was the fact that their successful team-up had been overseen by none other than Nanami Kento himself, the man who breathed inspiration into all of his endeavours as a sorcerer.
Speaking of which ...
"Hey, Nanami, what did you think of our work today?"
Striding along at a steady pace behind the two youngsters, the tall, ever-composed sorcerer looked up and adjusted his glasses.
"Hmm. You're both well-coordinated, considering that you've never been teamed up before. You've got good instinctual prediction of each other's movements and I'm quite certain that you may come up with even more effective techniques if you work together in the future."
Ino nudged Yuuji and mouthed the words "Here it comes."
"Having said that, Itadori, some points to consider."
The cheerful boy glanced back at Nanami and gulped.
"Err, yes, Nanamin?"
"Your instincts are important, but you can't always rely on them. Instincts are based on your physical senses and your ability to analyse cursed energy. It takes a great deal of focus to maintain a good hold on both these threads. If a curse user is able to fool your senses, then such instincts can be your downfall rather than your strength."
Yuuji mulled those words over, humming to himself. Ino clapped him on the back.
"You listen to Nanami and you won't go wr- "
"Funny you should say that, Ino. Because I'm pretty sure I taught you to practice caution at all times instead of throwing yourself head-first into a situation because your underclassman is watching you."
Ino winced and rubbed the back of his head, laughing sheepishly.
"Okay, okay. I admit it. Got a bit carried away 'cos Itadori was watching me. Won't happen again."
Nanami grunted in reply and the two younger sorcerers glanced at each other and grinned slightly. Yuuji's stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly in protest of its emptiness.
"Whoa, whoa. Can't have that. Hey, Nanami, what do you say we grab something to eat?"
"I suppose that would be acceptable. What do you propose?"
Ino turned excitedly to Yuuji.
"Since you're the newbie here, you get to choose! Only for today, though!"
"Seriously? Cool! I wanna eat ... hot pot on a day like this. That warehouse was kinda chilly."
Nanami nodded before consulting his phone.
"There's a good place not far from here. Let's go."
The place Nanami chose was somewhat off the beaten track. They left the main thoroughfare at some point, wandering through a maze of backstreets, food sizzling on outdoor grills, murky puddles and cosily lit bars. The restaurant they ended up at had no proper signage announcing the name of the establishment or any indication of their menu.
The food was, of course, incredible. Yuuji's eyes positively glowed with excitement as the steaming hot pot was laid out before them, the perfectly prepared ingredients on the side.
"Ooh, this is amazing! Nanamin, how'd you find this place?"
"I often come across good places to eat when I'm on missions in the area."
Ino shook his head fondly.
"Oi, Itadori, Nanami here is a massive foodie, you know that? You name any part of Tokyo and he'll tell you the best places to eat there. He even knows regional specialties in other areas that are pretty out there!"
Yuuji was now regarding his mentor with new reverence. Nanami coughed and re-directed their attention to the food.
"This is going to get cold. Shall we begin?"
"Oh! Hold on. Gotta record some of this."
Ino pulled out his phone, getting a few snaps and videos of the steaming hot pot from various angles. Now accustomed to his junior's need to record everything, Nanami sighed and began to add ingredients to the steaming soup base, softly reprimanding Yuuji who didn't want too many vegetables.
"It's winter and these are good for you. Make sure to eat the cabbage. It has roughage and the shungiku and carrots have a lot of vitamins. They also reduce inflammation of the muscles after a long day."
While the pot bubbled merrily, Nanami prepped their sauces in small porcelain dishes, mixing a little grated radish into the ponzu and adding some green onion to the sesame. He added ingredients to the main pot in a methodical sequence, placing the thicker parts of the vegetables first, followed by the assortment of mushrooms and the tofu.
Lastly, with Yuuji's mouth now practically watering, he handed over the thinly sliced beef for them to take, each dipping their portion for a few seconds until cooked, his deep murmur guiding them on correct timing. Ino had now set his phone aside and was just as hungry, digging in with relish.
When the meal was over, two stuffed and slightly drowsy youngsters followed Nanami out of the restaurant, the warmth of the food in their system buffering against the cold wind that caught at their clothes.
By the time Yuuji had been dropped back at Jujutsu Tech, he was ready to hit the bath and sleep for a solid ten hours. Loping towards the student dorms, he briefly checked his phone, shooting a quick text at Megumi.
Back from my mission. All good.
The reply came within seconds.
Did I ask?
I met Takuma!
Oh. He's cool.
Very cool. We had supper at a hot pot place.
With Nanami?
Yup. Apparently he's big on food.
I'm going to sleep now.
Check this out. Takuma sent it to me. He kinda forgot he was recording after a while.
Attachment: 1.
Shit, you're making me hungry dumbass.
Lol. Looks good, huh?
Yeah, whatever. Post it on your IG or something.
Humming thoughtfully, Yuuji entered his room and began gathering together some of his bath supplies. He paused at the foot of his bed, head bobbing to some unheard lyrics, fingers tapping against the phone screen that lit up his face in the darkened room.
After a few moments, he dropped the phone face down on his bed, exiting the room with a yawn, the basket of toiletries tucked under one arm. He promptly forgot about his casual IG post, right up until the next morning when he roused from sleep, eyes still slightly gummed together, fingers fumbling until they unlocked the screen so he could check the time ... and he shot upright in confused alarm, spying the flood of notifications that had come in overnight.
Now it has to be said, at this point, that being the easy-going, friendly type, Yuuji had made a lot of connections with others over time. Whether during his years at middle school, his sporting club days, or more recently, his time out and about in Tokyo on various missions, he'd managed to accrue a fair following on social media. While many of those who friended him and sent him the occasional inbox wouldn't be considered close to him by any means, his posts were often noticed and popular amongst them. Such was the nature of his personality.
And so, the video of Nanami with the hot pot, normally something that would fly under the radar if posted by anyone else, became an overnight sensation simply because it reached a much wider audience.
And what was the appeal of such a simple video, you may ask?
Imagine, if you will, a short video with simple tags, such as 'shabu shabu heaven', 'sooo good', 'too many veggies' and 'still so yummy, tho'.
Upon idly playing the clip (because it's a cold evening, and you might be craving some shabu shabu yourself) you're met with quite the sight.
First, a pair of hands come into view. Large, elegant digits, broad palms, perfect and neatly trimmed nails. The strong fingers handle the chopsticks with deft precision, stirring the steaming broth in the pot briefly.
Well now. Those hands would definitely be intriguing enough, but the effect is magnified as you witness the camera shift angle a little. The view pans up to the arms and body those hands are attached to, the subtle ripple of muscle in the broad shoulders that taper down to a slim waist, all wrapped in an expensive looking blue shirt, visible over the polished wood of the table. The man's face isn't visible, adding an element of mystery.
He begins adding vegetables to the pot, and now he really has your attention, because he has begun speaking.
And oh my. That voice.
The soft, smoky suggestion of reprimand as he softly lists the benefits of the food, the crisp enunciation of a man well-spoken, the low baritone that flows with marvellous richness across the riverbed of acoustic static from the bubbling of the pot.
You're captivated now, bringing your phone closer to your ear as you strain to hear more of those quiet, compelling, slightly authoritative tones. And then, the crowning moment of glory, the little gesture that takes this video from a solid nine to an eleven out of ten.
He rolls up his sleeves.
Setting down the chopsticks, those exquisite fingers unbutton the cuffs of his shirt with a practiced motion, rolling up the perfectly pressed fabric and folding it neatly just beneath the elbow on each side. The motion reveals perfectly sculpted forearms, the powerful flex of sinew beneath skin, veins tracing beneath the surface under the dusting of golden hair in the lamplight of the restaurant.
He continues his muted litany of instructions to whoever he is talking to, but at this point, the man could be reciting the Encyclopaedia Britannica entry on tortoises, on repeat, and you'd lap it up like the thirsty little tart you are ...
Ahem. Where was I?
Right. The video, which at that moment, was being watched by you (the imagined viewer) and Reiko from the sales department, and Haruka who you had lunch with just the other day, and Sara who loves to look up cooking videos on a Sunday afternoon, and Sukuna, who sometimes watched videos from inside Yuuji's mind with mild interest, and who momentarily thought "What a fine voice for a mortal worm", and ... you get the idea, don't you?
Ino received a panicked call from Yuuji that same morning. He'd been puttering about in his small apartment, popping some slices of bread into the toaster and frying up an egg for a quick breakfast, when the call had come through.
"Uh, Takuma-senpai? Hi, it's me, Itadori."
"Oh, hey! What's up? Did they team us up again? Sheesh. Didn't take 'em long."
"No, it's ... not a mission. It's about that video you sent me yesterday. The one from the restaurant."
"Hmm ... oh that one! Yeah?"
"See ... uhhh ... oh damn. How do I - So, look. I posted it on my IG."
"Oh, okay. And then?"
"So ... it kind of ... became popular?"
"People like hot pot that much?" Ino chuckled. "But I mean, what's the problem?"
"It's not the hot pot, Takuma-senpai! It's Nanamin!"
Having finally come to the crux of the issue, Yuuji's words were leaving him in a veritable torrent.
"They all saw him in the video and I didn't know! How was I to know? I didn't think they'd... and now there're all these ladies and girls and stuff and they're all ... it's a mess! And I don't know what to do and he's gonna kill me and - "
"Whoa, whoa, slow down, man. I can't make sense of what you're saying. One thing at a time."
"They think he's hot! They're all talking about Hot Pot Honey Muffin! That's what they're calling him!"
Ino promptly spat out his coffee in a fine brown mist.
"Hot Pot Honey what now?"
"Honey Muffin! I can't - Dude. Please, you've got to help me. If Nanamin finds out - "
"Okay. Okay. This is fine. This is ... Listen. Let me go check the video and the comments and we'll handle this. It can't be that bad. And even if that's the case, Nanami wouldn't be bothered by it. His face is not even in the video. Nobody can recognise him. He doesn't even go out that much."
"Oh God, I'm just ... okay. Go check it out. I'll send you a link to the post. Let me know."
After Yuuji had rung off, Ino took a breath and shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. It was just a harmless little video! He'd posted some of these before himself, and there'd never been an issue. So how bad could it be?
It was bad.
The comment section was ... interesting to say the least.
Who is that man? Anyone?
I'd let him stir my pot. Just saying.
That voice. Hnmnnghhh. Smack me on the wrist and call me nawty.
Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry -
Sir. One chance. Please sir.
Awjejdbavzbzbahsb pls ur bunny hash been a bad bad gurl
Unf, bouta make that ahegoa face rite now
And, rising above the cloud of steaming, churning, thirsty commentary, that rare peak of social media strata, the dreaded moniker that had found its place from the comment of one of the many new fans that Nanami had found for himself, Hot Pot Honey Muffin.
Ino, in spite of the chill that went up his spine and the momentary panic, knew what had to be done immediately. They had to show Nanami. Keeping something like this a secret would only make things worse with time.
True, Nanami wasn't the kind of man who drew attention to himself, but with the video now as popular as it was, it was entirely possible that someone in a shop, restaurant or one of his other frequent haunts in the local area might just recognise him. He would have to be warned, and even though Yuuji had long since taken the video down, it had been re-posted and there needed to be some kind of technical damage control.
Wracking his brain, Ino hit upon a great idea. Ijichi was known to have connections who could scour the internet for traces of curse activity that might be caught on camera and erase such evidence. Surely something similar could be done about this? If he phrased his request as something urgent, something that could affect Nanami's ability to do his job, then surely they'd take it into account?
With this new burst of inspiration, Ino threw on his jacket and headed out the door to Jujutsu Tech.
"And so ... yeah. That's ... how the matter stands. We're worried about someone recognising you because of how popular this became."
This was worse than he thought. Admitting to a mistake was always difficult when it was Nanami who was hearing you out. Standing in front of him in the staff lounge like two contrite five-year-olds caught with their hands in the cookie jar, Ino battled the instinct to hide behind Yuuji.
He was the older one here, and the one who had recorded the video in the first place. He had to bear the full responsibility for what had happened and be man enough to tell Nanami. How else would he earn his (eventual) respect and admiration?
The sorcerer seated before them heard them out in terrifyingly passive silence before sighing and removing his shades, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Just when I think nothing can surprise me any more ... "
"I'm so sorry, Nanamin!" Yuuji blurted out. "I ... I didn't know ... I mean ... "
"Well, what's done is done. May I see this video, if you please?"
Ino nudged Yuuji who stepped forward and handed his phone over reluctantly. Their discomfort grew as Nanami watched, a slightly puzzled expression on his face. The video ended and he looked up at them, frowning.
"All right. I can see why you didn't think anything of posting this, Itadori. The video itself is ... ordinary enough. It's simply showing a portion of me and the hot pot. So, why the attention?"
"Uhh ... "
The younger sorcerers glanced at each other. Ino cleared his throat.
"Well ... see, the thing is ... in the video, you kinda come across as ... I dunno ... kinda hot? At least, that's what the viewers seem to think."
Nanami looked incredulous and Yuuji gestured meekly to the phone.
"Just ... read the comments, Nanamin. I took the video down, but people re-posted it, so ... You'll see."
And Nanami began to read. Ino winced as he remembered the top comment, the one that would probably be first on the long list.
Roses are red, violets are blue, Your voice gets me wet Just like shabu shabu
Nanami's eyebrows were rising as steadily as the steam that emanated from the tea pot at his elbow, long forgotten. He eventually handed the phone back to Yuuji, clearing his throat.
"So ... "
Yuuji waved his hands desperately.
"But ... we're gonna handle this, right Takuma-senpai?"
"Oh yeah, definitely. I was thinking, you see. Ijichi might be able to use his network to find and remove the content from all media platforms. He's been able to do it before. I can make a request."
Nanami folded his arms and thought for a moment.
"I see. Yes, that would be possible. However, I'm against the idea of using Jujutsu Tech resources and manpower for a request such as this. That same time and processing power could be poured into much more vital concerns. Who knows how many lives could be placed at stake while we use the tools we have for something like this? No. I think another solution must be found."
Ino's shoulders sank under the weight of the knowledge that Nanami was right, as usual. But that left few avenues for removing the video. How else would they prevent this from blowing up further?
"I get it. What you're saying makes sense. What are we gonna do, though?"
"Ah. About that." Nanami lifted a prim finger. "I have an idea."
Yuuji stared at him, dumbfounded.
"You do?"
"Yes. But we will require some help. And some ... expertise on putting together a video."
It was then that Ino felt an even greater chill settle into his very bones as he witnessed something truly rare and unprecedented, something that did not bode well for him and Yuuji at all.
Nanami smiled.
It was Nobara's skill with outfits and make-up, and Inumaki's talent for setting up a scene, that had led to their current predicament. Yuuji's hair had been dyed black, his eyebrows darkened. Nobara's contouring prowess had rendered his face rounder and younger-looking, eyes magnified behind very large, thick lenses. He wore a red t-shirt with a skimpily dressed anime girl printed on it and an oversized purple jacket that disguised his lean, athletic form.
Ino had also undergone a drastic transformation. His dark hair had been shaved at the sides, the top styled into extreme spikes, tinted acid green at the ends. He had been provided with a fake eyebrow piercing and an artfully applied temporary tattoo that curved up the side of his neck, appallingly visible by the standards of society.
They sat at one of the countertops in the student dorms, the background serving as an adequate stand-in for a kitchen in someone's home. Nanami was standing opposite them, wearing his usual blue shirt and tan trousers, his sleeves remaining unfolded this time around.
Inumaki gave one final check to the camera before giving them a thumbs up.
"Salmon roe."
And the recording began.
On the counter, various dishes had been set up, all prepared in advance. They looked delicious, but you wouldn't think so, judging from the expressions of the two young men seated in plain view.
Ino grunted irritably, giving the camera a thousand-yard stare that looked very incongruous on his normally cheery face.
"Do we have to do this shit?"
Yuuji stared gormlessly into space, before laughing obnoxiously and picking his nose.
"Yeah, cos Dad said if we did we could go to that one restaurant where the waitress looked like Hatsune Kiku."
Ino's scowl deepened.
"Tch. Typical. Shit for brains here is on about that dumbass idol again."
"Now, now, boys." Nanami's voice came from across the counter, deep, polished, and a huge contrast to the two choice morsels of hellspawn sitting opposite him.
"Eat your dinner. If you're both good, we'll go to that show next week."
Yuuji's face brightened immediately.
"You mean the one where they dress up in bikinis and wrestle in the mud?"
"No, not that one."
Ino smirked.
"Ha. In your face, rat-breath."
"Be nice to your brother."
"Whatever. What are you feeding us now, old man?"
"I made katsudon. And some vegetables on the side."
"But I wanna eat omurice," Yuuji whined, thumping his fists on the table.
Nanami chuckled. "Ah, you remind me so much of myself at your age, son."
Ino rolled his eyes before tugging a steaming bowl towards himself.
"Seriously? You were this much of a loser?"
"I meant that I liked omurice too."
"Daaaaddd, please can we have omurice."
"Eat what's in front of you. Come on."
Ino stuck his chopsticks into the bowl, churning the beautifully prepared meal into an unappetizing mush.
"Huh. It tastes okay. Now give me a nice hot barbecue and I'd be really stuck in, ya know?"
"Oh, Hatsune Kiku likes barbecue, but she says, in her interview with Doki Doki magazine, Issue five hundred and three, that she can't eat too much of it, 'cos it gives her gas and - "
"Can you shut the hell up about that green haired freak for like, two seconds?"
"Kiku is not a freak!"
"Are you two eating?"
This earned a blessed silence for a few seconds, while the two 'sons' masticated in a manner that was singularly unappealing. When they were done, Nanami produced two bowls of caramel pudding and slid them across the counter, allowing his hands and arms in their blue sleeves to be briefly caught on camera.
"Well, here's dessert."
"Oohhh, pudding." Yuuji grabbed the bowl and moved it around slightly, watching the pudding jiggle. "Hehehehe. It bounces just like Kiku's - "
"Oh, for fuck's sake, you creepy - "
"Language, boys."
"Urgh. I hope I'm getting paid for this. Hanging out with this loser is taking years off my life."
"He's your brother. You two have to look after each other when I'm gone."
"Like fuck I will. He's gonna become a NEET however you see it."
"Then it's up to you to set a good example for him."
"Ha. Me? The second you're in the ground, I'm gonna take the money and buy myself that sweet, sweet little Kawasaki Ninja, then I'm gonna hit the road."
"You'll see things differently with time. Look at me. I was the splitting image of you back then. I settled down nicely."
"Ugh, whatever. I ain't gonna settle down. Now where's my cash?"
"Finish your pudding first, son."
The video, released from a burner account set up by Inumaki, spread as quickly as the first one had. In the days that followed, gossip spread in social media circles about 'Hot Pot Honey Muffin' and his two god-awful sons. The rhetoric around him changed drastically. It turned out that having children, like the boys played so charmingly by Ino and Yuuji, was a huge turn-off to most people.
The two young sorcerers certainly served their time when it came to punishment. It took ages for the tint to grow out of Yuuji's hair and he cringed every time he saw Hatsune Kiku on TV. Ino developed a very strong aversion to bikes for a while and found it hard to stomach pudding. They both decided to deactivate their IG accounts for a while.
Nanami read some of the new video's comments shown to him by Inumaki with some satisfaction.
Can you believe those are his kids?
How the heck is he raising them?
And the younger one. EWWWWWWW.
The older one looks like he microwaves pigeons for fun.
Roses are dead, Violets are a lie, I saw your children, And my pussy is dry.
Nanami adjusted his shades before looking up at Inumaki and nodding gravely.
#jjk#jjk fanfic#jujutsu kaisen fanfic#jujutsu kaisen#nanami kento#jjk nanami#jjk fic#itadori yuuji#jjk yuuji#ino takuma#jjk ino#takuma ino#jjk fluff#jjk crack#papamin#nanamin#kento nanami#nanami is unintentionally hot#as usual#he invokes THIRST#feed me sir#yuuji and ino messed up#but they make it right#nanami's sons#jjk humour
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If possible, could you please do cuddling headcannons? Feel free to ignore this if you don't want to or can't for any reason at all
remember to drink water and take breaks <3
YES YES YES I CAANNNN also i need to start incorporating choso into these brainrots ok so pls feel free to send stuff specifically for him if y'all have thoughts and ino too i love him sm
gojo satoru
sleep cuddler and there's no escaping from it
he's happy with being the big or little spoon, happy if you wanna lay on his chest, he doesn't care how it happens but he needs it mkay
hopefully you don't overheat bc if you try to scooch away from him he will be heartbroken
he likes to tease about it but really he just loves the feeling of you falling soundly asleep in his arms. loves how you snuggle into him in your sleep
fushiguro megumi
likes it when you rest your head in his lap.
whether he's reading or finishing up a report, it's comforting to have you there. sometimes you scroll through your phone and sometimes you go straight into a nap, he doesn't mind what you do. he just likes to have you close whenever he can
one day you make him lay on your lap while you're both lounging on the couch and he probably laughs at you when he complies
but then he settles into your thighs and you run your hands through his hair and he's out like baby in minutes
so now it's your guys' thing <3
itadori yuuji
likes to have you on his lap
it's his favorite thing to wrap his arms around you and hold you close to his chest. it's so warm and comfortable
will set his chin on your shoulder as you watch a movie or something
definitely whispers in your ear one minute but then is yelling at the tv the next. the whispering is sweet though
kisses your cheek a lot too, you're just so close he can't help it
inumaki toge
prefers to smother you a bit
it was a joke at first, the night he climbed on top of you and went boneless just to hear you laugh
but it was actually so comfy for the both of you that he sorta just stayed there. like a heavy blanket.
wraps his arms around you and tucks his face into your neck and snoozes
he loves feeling your heart beating against his chest. it's the most comforting thing in the world
okkotsu yuuta
if he could have you on top of him 24/7, he'd gladly accept it.
can only sleep if you're on his chest. not just your head, either. your whole body.
he will not be content until your legs are a tanlged mess and your hair is messily sprawled out across his chest.
he needs easy access to kissing your head a million times throughout the night
this goes for casual cuddling too. you're watching a movie together? get on top of him.
if he can't actively lay down, he'll just pick you up and hold you against his chest, just high enough that you can't touch the ground and have to cling to him
when he's on missions away from you, he sleeps holding a pillow against him, but it's not the same :(
kamo choso
likes being a little spoon AND I'LL DIE ON THIS HILL OKAY
he's never been held before he had no idea the amount of comfort having someone's arms around you could feel, and i think he'd be shy about it at first but once he's more comfortable with asking for what he wants, he'll ask for it all the time
you press so close, warming up his back with your chest and pushing your feet between his legs just to get closer
loves when it's late and you're whispering to one another, how you press your lips to his spine and shoulder blades, or rub the tip of your nose affectionately against his skin.
with your arms wrapped around him he can easily hold both of your hands in one of his, and he always keeps them close to his chest all night
takuma ino
finishing off strong with big spoon lover
holding you is the greatest part of his every day, and he's not afraid to tell you. he'll text you on particularly rough/slow days just to tell you how he can't wait till you're in his arms again
if you get into bed and don't automatically settle against him, he will drag you into his embrace. there's no getting out of it
always tucks his face into the nape of your neck, smelling your hair and kissing your skin as he quietly tells you how much he missed you all day
wraps his arms around you and holds you tight against his chest all night. he can't stand to be apart from you anymore than he has to.
#satoru brainrot#megumi brainrot#yuuji brainrot#toge brainrot#yuuta brainrot#choso brainrot#ino brainrot#gojo satoru x reader#fushiguro megumi x reader#itadori yuuji x reader#inumaki toge x reader#okkotsu yuuta x reader#kamo choso x reader#choso x reader#takuma ino x reader#jjk#jujtusu kaisen#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader
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on the plug sukuna subject, I often think about what will happen if yuuji proposed to the reader bc I know she's saying yesss
sukuna will be fucking the reader like 10 minutes before the ceremony, ino be distracting yuuji so they don't get caught in what they swore it's going to be their last time. At the ceremony sukuna next to Yuuji CRYING his eyes out and everyone thinks it's so sweet bc omg he's watching his little brother growing but WRONG, HE IS GRIEVING THE READERS PUSSY. And the celebration AAAA ino is trying to convince everyone to get high, sukuna and the reader having sex in a bathroom bc they can't help themselves and she looks sooo pretty, yuuji finding the whole thing out and fists fighting sukuna, megumi trying to break up the fight while nobara is recording the hole thing😭😭😭
Also the faces of everyone finding out sukuna was sleeping with the bride??? He's the one getting the blame bc everyone thinks he's such a bad influence
The whole story is ending in one of those facebook gossip reels titled "the BRIDE was fucking the grooms BROTHER" and it's a girl making a cake while telling the story or on reddit "AITA for not telling my friend my best friend is fucking his girlfriend and cover them up so they could hookup at my friends wedding" and it's from ino's user😭😭
I knoooowww anything of this is canon but I just like to think about it for funsies
the way im cackling at them fucking one last time before the wedding and then fucking again right after !!! JAIL!
No bc ur so right she's absolutely saying yes. She's basically wanted to marry Yuuji since they met and the fact that he's ACTUALLY proposing to her would make her head spin. Sukuna is like well.. she'd never say yes bc she'd have to live a lie for the rest of her life and then he's just DEVASTATED to see her accept as if there isn't a problem!!!
The actual wedding day would probably be the most depressing day of Sukuna's WHOLE life too. He's so heart eyes for the reader and her gorgeous dress and he wants it to be their wedding so bad but no, he's gotta be the perfect supportive big brother.
I bet he'd be saying some feral shit like he's gonna get her pregnant so she knows who she really belongs to while they're fucking. Ughhhh I need him.. why aren't we dating him again? JGDKLGHDSALJ
I think she'd actually flee the country btw if she got caught she'd NEVER be able to live it down and for it to end up all over Reddit?? AAAAAA ultimate humilation.
aaaa thank u for this ask ive never rly thought about a wedding day before but it's very soap opera for the whole truth to come out at a wedding im OBSESSED hehehe
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~🪷 a/n: Hey yall!! nice to hear from ya again. im back with new headcanons since they carry my acc LMAOO😭. i hope yall enjoy and if you want you can..subscribe 😏😜🤭. take care🫶
‼️TW: pure fluff.
when out
• will compliment and hold your hand while hes
"surprising you"
• will take you to a beautiful flower field that has a picnic placed on it
• "i know its not a lot but i tried my best!" bro needs reassurance :(
• my pretty boy LOVES at home dates<3
• will cook, make snacks, set a romantic table and write letters for you to read later
• after the dinner, both of you will cuddle on the couch while watching a movie, while he big spoons you, hiding his blushy face in the crook of your neck >~<
• in the morning you will find the letters of him thanking you for everything you have given, poems and even kisses on it (he stole your lipstick to make them hehe)
• fancy dates like boy has money he will spoil his girl
• will buy THE MOST expensive things on the menu
• will probably order the same as you
• then he will drive you home and pamper you at home ^^
fancy BUT MEANINGFUL dates. (bro notices absolutely EVERYTHING you like/dislike)
• will probably just take you to a chill coffee/bar so he could spend time with you
• While you talk about your day he will probably wait for you to finish so you can give you a necklace :3
• if you get drunk he will help you be okay and not hit yourself (will take you home, give you medicine and sleep on the couch since hes scared not to take advantage of you)
• my silent prince will definitely do cook/music
• baking with you is a MESS but he loves it
• while the food is cooking or baking he will ask you to dance to love songs <3
• the food ends up delicious and you had a BLISS
• library/chill restaurant dates
• will compliment you a lot
• dress the way so he can match you
• probably a car ride after the date to spend some alone time
• beach dates or study dates hehe
• cuddling sessions while listening to yall's shared album
• will whisper sweet nothings in your ear
• all smiley (his problems disappear when with you)
• take away.
• he tries his best tho
• pampers you with affection and diy gifts!
• at home dates
• it feels more romantic to him, prepares everything
• makes the best ramen possible
• will absolutely adore you the whole night and blush at your compliments
• study dates or chill dates like that and PROBABLY KARAOKE
• sings his ass out just to cheer you up/make you laugh
• hugs you like crazy (he loves PDA)
• “such a cutie that i have all to myself” cheesy pickup lines as well, only to see you blush and smile.
#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#spotify#itadori yuuji#megumi fushiguro#gojo satoru#nanami kento#geto suguru#inumaki toge#yuta okkotsu#toji fushiguro#choso kamo#ino takuma#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk fluff
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here’s to that fire in your heart
Living. Loving. Maybe the reason why those two words are so similar- maybe those aren’t two different things after all.

You look at his eyes, and you see what soldiers went to war with. You see what they brought with those photographs lingering of lipstick kisses. The way his voice becomes so clear when he talks about the life he is building for himself. You see him, and you know what being human is all about. You see him, and oh every time, it’s like the first dive of the summer.
He stands with his head hung in that angle you’ve come to acknowledge. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just a personality. You know the way he gets up everyday. Everyday. With that strict list of rules he has set for himself, even with clenched jaws and tired eyes. He has a dream to accomplish, and he’s not stopping- because why should he? He was born. And that’s all he needs. Maybe except you, of course. That behavior some might call cocky? That’s knowing what he has sacrificed. That’s pride in how he handles his time, how he gives his full in all he is given. And you see all that.
You’re not coming off lazy, either. You both have something to prove for yourselves. That same passion. Solely being present, everyday, one by one, improving, growing. Regulating control over your actions, your words, your feelings. Always giving your all, of course sometimes failing, and shit it stings- but you look at your man soaring. Yeah he’s going nowhere without you by his side. Being more and more human. You see this life in front of you, and you’re going to build a beautiful one for yourself. Scratch that- you both have a life to build together. There’s no other option to be worried about.
You see him, you see your goals. You see the kind of person you aspire to be. But in some strange way- some might call love- those things, all of them, you realize that they feel all the same. It’s all just so painfully, agonizingly human that it overwhelms your lungs with love. Love in the same way you would pronounce hope. Empathy. Passion. Effort. Sacrifice. He looks human. He lives so humanely, he speaks of it so surely. And he loves you oh so fully.
He lives. He loves. And you live. You love. He loves you, and you love him- you live him- wait what? The mess up in your words sounds so natural, you stop your thinking to touch his blissfully asleep face. He leans into your touch, with a sheepish drowsy smile forming on his lips unconsciously. You graze his familiar lips, and you wonder what he is dreaming about.
Yeah you know what he is dreaming of, alright. His skin is so warm, liquid fire ablaze underneath that pretty skin, of that beautiful dream, that beautiful person he is becoming. It’s also your dream. To live. To love. And he’s your love. So you solemnly swear to live- with him. You gently whisper your heart on his wispy bed hair. Again, he leans towards in his sleep. It’s the best way you could say I love you to him. And it works- because he is so fluent in your language of being human.
He is so human. So beautifully desperately dignifiedly human.
All for you. With you. By you. Of you.
YUUJI (fuck I love him), INO, and maybe m!nobara cuz I also relate to her in a spiritual way
#haikyuu#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu hcs#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu x reader#hq#hq fluff#hq x reader#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#jjk hcs#jjk x reader#jjk fluff#aot fluff#aot x reader#attack on titan#oikawa tooru#hinata shouyou#hinata fluff#tanaka ryuunosuke#goshiki tsutomu#bokuto koutarou#iwaizumi hajime#kita shinsuke#itadori yuuji#ino takuma#nobara kugisaki#jean kirstein#connie springer#eren yeager
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Written by @h3rmess ✰

S3 : Chapter 10 - Loss & Loneliness ☆☆☆☆☆
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"NA! NA! MIN!" Our footsteps halted as we heard chants echoing through the city.
"Is that..." Megumi started.
"Yuuji?" I questioned, looking around to see which direction it had come from.
"NA! NA! MIIIN!" He screamed again, sending panic through our veins. Nanami looked slightly alarmed as we tried to figure out where Yuuji was.
"NANAMIN, ARE YOU THERE?" We were silent as we listened to him.
"GOJO SENSEI... HAS BEEN SEALED!!" He exclaimed, causing us all to gasp in unison.
My heart dropped and shattered. Gojo? Sealed? Gojo of all people? What have they done? Who did this?
Yuuji's screams continued as we tried to figure out a way to locate him.
"Seiko, remember when I was injured and you were able to look at me at an atomic level?" Megumi turned to me, as did the others.
I nodded in response, questioning the relevance as he continued.
"Do you think you could do that on a larger scale? Or at least pin-point Itadori's cursed energy?" He suggested.
I suddenly remembered the training I had undergone with Gojo Sensei to refine this skill. He taught me how to effectively use my cursed energy to look at things at an atomic level on a larger scale.
I nodded, slightly nervous as I took deep breaths and closed my eyes.
"Let the cursed energy follow the flow of your blood. Let it enter every blood vessel and reach your entire body. From head to toe, you should have an even amount of cursed energy coursing through you" I recalled Gojo Sensei's words as calmed my mind, letting cursed energy flow all the way to my finger tips.
My body glowed, the aquamarine aura of my cursed energy spilling from each pore.
"Now think. Focus on what you're trying to achieve. Focus on connecting your cursed energy with that of the objects that surround you." I could see the buildings and people that surrounded me in my mind as I focused on their cursed energy.
"Itadori Yuuji." I muttered as I tried to remember what his cursed energy felt like. Suddenly, a pleasurable jolt prung through me. I smiled as an image of Yuuji had been formed in my mind. I memorised the route towards where he was located before reopening my eyes.
"I found him." I declared as I pointed left and started sprinting.
The others ran behind me, following the pace I set as we bolted towards the shouts that seemed never-ending.
The voice seemed to grow louder as we approached a building, huge in size. We bolted up the stairs, each step adding an extra wheeze as I tried to catch my breath. We finally reached the top, greeted by Yuuji, who was still shouting.
"NA! NA! MIIII!!" He screamed as we covered our ears, the echo of his booming voice hurting us.
"We're here." Megumi said simply.
Yuuji must not have heard him, continuing his yelling from the top of the building.
Megumi rolled his eyes as he repeated himself, this time slightly louder.
"Hey..." Megumi spoke, trying to get his attention.
Yuuji took a deep breath before continuing his chants.
"NA! NA -" He choked oh his words as Megumi hit him in the back of the head, his face expressionless as ever.
"Oh! Nanamin, Fushiguro, Seiko! And... who are you?" He pointed between Shoji and Ino.
"Why, if it isn't THE Itadori Yuuji, in the flesh?!" Shoji announced flamboyantly, strutting towards Yuuji.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet someone as... messed up as you! You must have some serious trauma, kid. But it'll make for on hell of a story to tell your future kids!!" Shoji held his hand out for Yuuji to shake, which Yuuji took hesitantly.
"What's up with this guy?" He whispered to me as I rolled my eyes.
Shoji stepped back, clearly offended by Yuuji's question.
"Moi? I feel beyond disrespected! I am Shoji Okumoto, the first and only Okumoto to become a special-grade sorcerer before the age of 25!" He introduced himself, bowing as if he had just performed at a concert.
"I'm seriously gonna kick this guy..." I muttered to myself.
Yuuji looked between the two of us frantically. He gasped as he came to realise who he was.
"Is this your dad? It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Yuuji bowed to him at a 90-degree angle.
Shoji's face contorted with utter disbelief.
"Father?!? Do I look that old? I use an anit-ageing cream every day! Oh my!" He ran to the nearest window, checking out his reflection for any blemishes or imperfections.
"That's her brother, dimwit..." Megumi clarified as Yuuji felt a pang of guilt.
"I sincerely apologise! It's not that you look old, you're just really tall!"
"Well, of course I am! When you're this amazing, the height is necessary to -" I hit Shoji's head before he could proceed.
"Stop repeating yourself! And stop getting distracted by this imbecile everyone! We have much bigger problems at hand!" I gathered everyone attention as they all became serious.
"Gojo has been sealed, so there's no time to waste. We have to start moving, or doomsday will soon be upon us." Nanami ordered as we all got ready to depart.
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-> I'm so back guys. I know I've said that like 100 times but I will truly try to post more.
-> school work has been eating me alive but we move on
-> my seiko and megumi art got DELETED so I'm going to have to post a different piece of art (just seiko) later this week
-> I love shoji sm I'm gonna explode
-> megumi in the last chapter was so cute (so was everyone else I'm gonna cry)
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TAGS ~ (comment to be added)
@nyxlai @inlovewithlondonn @sad-darksoul @fushigurioo @httpstoyosi @vivi-loves-penguins @samutoru @lysaray @maya-maya-56 @madison777x
#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#jjk fanfic#megumi fushiguro#gojo satoru#itadori yuuji#jujutsu nanami#inumaki toge#maki zenin#where our blue is#jujutsu nobara#jjk nobara#jujutsu kaisen megumi#fushiguro megumi#jjk x oc#shibuya incident#jjk nanami#nanami kento#ino takuma#ino#jjk megumi#jujutsu megumi#jjk itadori#jujutsu itadori#yuji itadori#jjk yuji#jujutsu kaisen nobara#nobara kugisaki#jjk smau#anime
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Another lore question I have (sorry, you’re just the resident JJK expert to me, I can never find as detailed and understandable answers on reddit — or the manga tbh lmfao — as I do from you): what, exactly is simple domain? And domain amplification? What is the difference between the two? Can either of them nullify cursed techniques?
I'm very flattered, and I definitely don't mind the questions, but fair warning—my lore knowledge is limited to the bits I find interesting (or need for my writing). So I'll ramble about anything related to Yuuji and Gojou, as well as Sukuna and Kenjaku, but past that, I just have a general understanding of how CE, CTs, and barriers work in general.
I can take a crack at explaining simple domain and domain amplification though. Feel free to correct me if I'm messing anything up or to add on!
Domain amplification is essentially a different application of your innate domain. Rather than expand it outward as in a domain expansion, it covers the body in a thin layer. Its main utility is that it can neutralize or mitigate other people’s CTs. No CT is imbued in the domain amplification the way it is in a domain expansion, and the opponent’s CT kind of…flows into that empty space. Both the disaster curses and Sukuna use domain amplification to touch Gojou despite Infinity being engaged. I believe it can also counter the sure-hit effect of a domain expansion. The downside is that you cannot use your own CT while using domain amplification.
That said, I said “neutralize or mitigate” because it’s been shown that domain amplification can’t fully neutralize CTs (or domain sure hits) with a sufficiently high output. We have Gojou ramping up Limitless against Hanami in Shibuya, and later, Higuruma uses domain amplification against Sukuna’s slashes but still gets cut up—the depth and intensity of the injuries are mitigated, but he’s still hurt. So if you’re up against someone well out of your league, domain amplification is only a mitigating measure.
Simple domain is a barrier technique. The visual we have with Miwa in the Goodwill Event shows it pretty well—a protective sphere around you. New Shadow School seems to do a bunch of tricky things with it, combined with binding vows, but mainly, it serves as an anti-domain technique by protecting you against the sure-hit effect of a domain expansion. That’s how Yuuji, Chōsō, Ino, and Miwa/Maki survive Sukuna’s flames in the initial several seconds of that domain expansion. Same with Yuki in Kenjaku’s domain. The issue is that the simple domain can’t withstand the sure-hit effect for a prolonged period—it’ll be worn down sooner than later and then the sure hit will land.
Aside from the different nature/application of the two, the main difference seems to be that domain amplification is more flexible. Plus, until the end of JJK, simple domain was accessible only to very few people. Domain amplification also isn't widely used, I believe, since the mastery required to apply your innate domain in the physical world is presumably similar for both domain amplification and domain expansion. They're both high-level techniques.
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These songs fit them so well, like let's be for real💕:
Eren, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Porco, Choso, Gojo, Nanami, Megumi, Noritoshi, Todo, Naoya, Toji, Juuzou, Chifuyu, Mikey, Mitsuya, Renji, Shuuhei, Kensei, Kenpachi
"It was hard to find a girl that's really down for me, seems like a lot of niggas trying me,"
"Cause they trying to take my baby-oh, what the, hell no!"
"So now you really better check yourself,
"Messing with my girl is bad for your health, and"
"So you know you will be dealt with,
"Better find your own, own girl, oh"
Armin, Jean, Connie, Bertholdt, Colt, Choso, Yuuji, Yuta, Ino, Gojo, Tamaki, Kirishima, Shoto, Sero, Izuku, Denki, Draken, Kazutora, Hakkai, Angry, Izuru, Ichigo, Uryuu, Ulquiorra
"Only thing that keeps me up when I'm feeling down"
"I dont know about you, but I gotta keep mines around"
"Cause I done looked, I done searched and it's hard to find"
"Another shortie like mine, baby, yes I'm"
"Addicted to how we kick it, everything you say to me,"
"Never knew it could be so wicked, hoping that you stay with me,"
"Search around the world, but you will never find"
"Another shortie like mine, shortie like mine"
Onyankopon, Eren, Connie, Floch, Levi, Geto, Toji, Inumaki, Sukuna, Katsuki, Yo, Mirio, Shinsou, Aizawa, Dabi, Yamada, Nishiki, Rindou, Ran, Kokonoi, Hanma, Kisaki, Baji, Smiley, Taiju, Grimmjow, Ikkaku, Love, Shunsui
"If your chick come close to me, she ain't going home where she 'posed to be"
"I'm getting money like I'm 'posed to be,
"I'm getting money like I'm 'posed to be,
"Oh, all my niggas close to me, and all them other niggas where they posed to be,"
"Oh, the hoes go for me"
"Have your chick send a pic like, 'pose for me' "
"Ohh, that's how it's 'posed to be"
"That's how it's 'posed to be"
"That's how it's 'posed to be"
"Everything good like it's 'posed to be"
#Spotify#aot x reader#mha x reader#bnha x reader#jjk x reader#bleach x reader#tokyo rev x reader#tokyo ghoul x reader#💗💗🍡°aot headcanons#💗💗🍡°mha headcanons#💗💗🍡°jjk headcanons#💗💗🍡°tg headcanons#💗💗🍡°tr headcanons#byp🌹#just imagine all of them singing these tho!!
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Chapter 12
This is a Yandere Jujutsu Kaisen/JJK x Female Reader Fic!
Toji stood in the doorway of Y/N's old apartment, the air thick with dust and silence. His breath came in ragged gasps as he surveyed the chaos around him. Broken furniture, shattered glass, and torn papers littered the floor, remnants of his furious search. His eyes, wild with desperation, darted around the room, seeking any sign of her presence.
"Damn it!" he roared, slamming his fist into the wall. The plaster cracked under the force of his blow, but the pain in his knuckles was nothing compared to the agony tearing through his heart. He had torn this place apart, searching for any clue, any hint of where she might have gone. But there was nothing.
In the middle of the destruction, a small piece of paper caught his eye. It fluttered gently on the breeze from the broken window, almost mocking him with its serenity amidst the chaos. Toji snatched it up, his hands trembling. It was a note, written in Y/N's familiar handwriting.
I've moved out and will call you later. You can use this apartment to live in from now on.
- Y/N"
Toji crumpled the note in his fist, his vision blurring with rage and frustration. "Call me later?!" he spat, his voice echoing through the empty space. "Where the hell did you go?!"
He tore through the apartment again, more methodical this time, checking every corner, every drawer, every hidden space. But there wasn't a single trace of her. No forgotten clothes, no personal items, not even a lingering scent of her perfume. It was as if she had vanished completely, leaving only the empty shell of this apartment and a hollow promise to call him.
Toji collapsed onto the floor, his back against the wall, and buried his face in his hands. The silence was deafening, the emptiness suffocating. Memories of Y/N flashed through his mind—her smile, her laugh, the way she looked at him with those eyes full of secrets and promise.
He had thought he could protect her, keep her close. But now she was gone, leaving him with nothing but questions and a searing ache in his chest.
"Why, Y/N?" he whispered, his voice breaking. "Why did you leave me?"
The apartment felt like a tomb, a place where dreams had died and hope had withered away. Toji's mind raced, his thoughts spiraling into madness. He needed to find her, needed to understand why she had left him like this.
With a growl of determination, he forced himself to his feet. He couldn't stay here, drowning in his own despair. There had to be answers out there, somewhere. And he would tear the world apart if he had to, to find her and bring her back.
Toji's eyes burned with a fierce resolve as he strode out of the apartment, leaving the wreckage behind. The note lay crumpled on the floor, a silent testament to his anguish. But Toji wasn't done yet. Not by a long shot.
The hunt had begun.
In the dimly lit hallway of Satozakura College, Itadori Yuuji held his phone tightly to his ear, his voice trembling with urgency. "I’m going, Nanamin."
Nanami Kento’s voice crackled through the line, steady and firm. "You can’t. I already explained why this morning. If a veil has been cast, there’s a strong likelihood he’s both alive and at Satozakura College."
The sound of curses growling in the background made Itadori’s grip tighten on the phone. "I’ll be back soon. Please wait there, Itadori-kun," Nanami continued, though he knew it was probably pointless to ask him that.
Hanging up, Itadori's resolve hardened. Meanwhile, in the sewers, Nanami walked toward the exit, leaving Ino to clean up the mess. "You heard why, so I’ll leave the rest of this to you, Ino-kun."
Ino’s eyes widened in surprise. "Huh?!"
Nanami turned to face him. "Is there a problem with that?"
"Well, the number of them… There’s a lot. And they’re all humans, right?" Ino replied nervously.
Nanami’s expression remained unchanged. "I wouldn’t mind taking on the recommendation to make you a grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer."
Ino’s nervousness turned into a determined grin. "Erk… Heh… Let’s get this done, baby! Yeah!"
Back at the College, Itadori prepared to leave when Ijichi blocked his path. "Please step aside, Ijichi-san."
Ijichi’s face was stern. "Our job is to help others. That includes those who are still students, like yourself. I won’t make any more mistakes. You must not go, Itadori-kun."
With a swift move, Itadori ran past Ijichi, his thoughts filled with apologies. "Sorry, Ijichi-san."
Arriving at Satozakura College, Itadori found Yoshino Junpei. "What are you doing, Junpei?!"
Yoshino’s eyes were filled with anger and confusion. "Stay out of this, jujutsu sorcerer."
Their confrontation quickly escalated into a fight. Yoshino’s shikigami, Moon Dregs, attacked relentlessly. Itadori struggled against the jellyfish-like creature, realizing that blunt attacks were ineffective. "A jellyfish shikigami? Blunt attacks won’t work when he’s inside it?"
Yoshino’s voice was filled with frustration. "I’ll say it one more time. Stay out of this, jujutsu sorcerer! It’s none of your business!"
Itadori’s determination didn’t waver. "That’s not something you get to decide!"
Yoshino’s anger boiled over. "What’s the point of indiscriminate salvation? Don’t mistake the value of a life!"
As Moon Dregs attacked, Itadori gritted his teeth and fought back. "Gah!"
Yoshino’s words grew more desperate. "People pretend their emotions are everything, but their heart is just the metabolism of the soul. It’s all a delusion! Don’t restrict me with rules that are based on a delusion. No one has the right to stop anyone from taking what lives they can."
Itadori’s resolve only strengthened. "You can string together whatever logic you want, but you’re just trying to convince yourself you’re in the right!"
With a powerful punch, Itadori sent Yoshino flying back into the building. "I don’t know what your motive is. I’m sure you have a reason for doing this. But is it really worth throwing away that life you have?!"
Yoshino began to sob, his defenses crumbling. "Mm… Ngh…"
Itadori pressed on, his voice softening. "The human heart is a delusion? Can you say that in front of her?!"
Yoshino’s voice was a mixture of pain and anger. "People don’t have hearts… They don’t! Otherwise… Otherwise… that would mean people cursed me and my mom with those hearts! That would just be too much… I wouldn’t know what is right or what is wrong anymore…"
In a sudden move, Yoshino summoned his shikigami and attacked, stabbing Itadori through the chest and stomach. "Wha…"
Itadori’s face twisted in pain, but he remained calm. "Why didn’t you dodge it?"
Yoshino released his shikigami, confusion and fear in his eyes. Itadori took a step closer, his voice filled with empathy. "Sorry… I said a lot of self-important stuff without understanding anything… Tell me what happened. I swear I won’t curse you anymore, so please…"
As Yoshino explained the tragic death of his mother, Itadori’s heart ached. "No way… Your mom… Junpei, come to Jujutsu Tech. There are lots of crazy strong teachers and reliable friends there. If we all work together, I’m sure we can find whoever cursed your mom. Then you can make sure they get their due! Let’s fight together!"
Their moment of understanding was shattered by the arrival of Mahito, who stood at the top of the staircase. "Ah…"
Mahito’s presence sent a chill down Itadori’s spine. "Who are you?"
Yoshino’s voice trembled. "Ah…"
Mahito began to descend the stairs, a sinister smile on his face. "Nice to meet you… vessel of Sukuna."
Itadori’s instincts screamed danger. "Who is that? A person?"
Mahito’s arm began to mutate, and Yoshino tried to intervene. "Wait!"
Itadori’s alarm grew. "Wha…"
Yoshino’s plea fell on deaf ears as Mahito pushed Itadori against the window with his mutated arm. "Ngh! Ugh…"
Itadori’s mind raced. "Am I an idiot?! A human-shaped cursed spirit with a patchwork face! This is exactly what Nanamin said would happen! Junpei, run!"
Yoshino’s confusion deepened. "Itadori-kun, please calm down! Mahito-san’s not a bad person… Ah… Bad… person…"
Mahito placed a hand on Yoshino’s shoulder, his voice dripping with malice. "You know, Junpei, you’ve got a good head on your shoulders."
"Huh…?" Yoshino responded, puzzled.
"But sometimes deliberation can lead to worse foolishness than imprudence," Mahito continued. "You’re a stereotypical case of that! You’re almost as foolish as those people you call fools yourself."
Yoshino’s fear and realization mixed. "Ngh…"
Mahito’s voice turned cold. "That’s why you’ll die. Fufu… Idle Transfiguration."
In an instant, Mahito transformed Yoshino into a grotesque curse. "Ahh… Urahh…"
Itadori’s world shattered as Mahito let him go. "Now, time for round two."
Yoshino, now a curse, attacked Itadori with a ferocity fueled by confusion and pain. Itadori fought back, his heart breaking. "Junpei… Get a hold of yourself! I’ll heal you right now!"
But Yoshino, driven by Mahito’s manipulation, continued his assault. "Grr… Grr… Grr…"
Desperation filled Itadori’s voice. "Sukuna… Sukuna!"
Sukuna’s voice echoed in Itadori’s mind. "What?"
Mahito watched with interest. "Heh…"
"I’ll do anything! You can do anything you want with me! So heal Junpei like you did when you restored my heart!" Itadori pleaded.
Sukuna’s laughter was cruel. "I refuse! Hehehehe!"
Itadori’s despair deepened. "Damn you…"
Sukuna’s mockery cut deep. "Hehe… Hahaha! Pathetic! You couldn’t be more pathetic, brat! Hehehehe!"
Mahito’s thoughts were calculating. "Though, what I’m after is what comes next, so I guess this is fine. Fufu… Fufufufu…"
Sukuna and Mahito’s laughter filled the air. "Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!"
Itadori’s resolve solidified into something darker. "Oh, that’s right. At the end of the day, these two are both curses."
Yoshino’s transformed body clutched at Itadori’s clothes. "Yuuji… Why?"
In a final, tragic moment, Yoshino fell to the ground, his life snuffed out by Mahito’s cruel hand.
Mahito’s laughter continued. "Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Oh, dead already? I suppose I was kind of rough when I changed his shape. Phew… Guess that’s how it goes."
Rage exploded within Itadori as he punched Mahito in the face, sending him flying onto the staircase. Mahito’s surprise was evident. "Huh? What’s going on? He struck the shape of my soul, as well? That’s right! Itadori Yuuji’s a vessel! His body constantly houses another soul in addition to his own. So naturally… You’re aware… of the outline of your soul?"
Itadori’s next words came from a place so deep within him that they felt almost foreign. "I will kill you!"
The hallway was quiet, save for the distant murmur of curses. Itadori held his phone to his ear, listening intently to Nanami's voice on the other end.
"I'm going, Nanamin," he said firmly.
Nanami's tone was stern, trying to convey the gravity of the situation. "You can’t. I already explained why this morning. If a veil has been cast, there’s a strong likelihood he’s both alive and at Satozakura College."
Itadori could hear the growls of curses in the background, and Nanami’s voice became more urgent. "I’ll be back soon. Please wait there, Itadori-kun."
Itadori ended the call, determination etched on his face. Nanami, still deep in the sewers, sighed as he pocketed his phone. "It's probably pointless to ask him that," he muttered, beginning his walk toward the exit. He glanced at Ino, who was left behind to clean up.
"You heard why, so I’ll leave the rest of this to you, Ino-kun," Nanami said.
Ino's eyes widened. "Huh?!"
"Is there a problem with that?" Nanami inquired, eyebrow raised.
Ino hesitated. "Well, the number of them… There’s a lot. And they’re all humans, right?"
Nanami’s expression softened, just a bit. "I wouldn’t mind taking on the recommendation to make you a grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer."
Ino gulped but then grinned nervously. "Erk… Heh… Let’s get this done, baby! Yeah!"
Back in the hallway, Itadori was preparing to leave. Ijichi stood firmly in his path, a look of concern on his face.
"Please step aside, Ijichi-san," Itadori requested.
Ijichi shook his head. "Our job is to help others. That includes those who are still students, like yourself. I won’t make any more mistakes. You must not go, Itadori-kun."
Without another word, Itadori sprinted past Ijichi, his heart pounding. "Sorry, Ijichi-san," he thought as he rushed out of the building.
Itadori arrived at Satozakura College, his breath coming in heavy pants. He spotted Junpei Yoshino in the distance. "What are you doing, Junpei?!" he called out.
Junpei turned to face him, his eyes cold. "Stay out of this, jujutsu sorcerer."
Itadori’s eyes narrowed. "I can’t do that."
The two clashed, exchanging blows as they moved through the school. Itadori was quick, but Junpei’s shikigami, a jellyfish-like creature, made things difficult.
"A jellyfish shikigami? Blunt attacks won’t work when he’s inside it," Itadori thought, dodging another of its poison-laced tentacles.
Junpei's eyes were filled with anger and confusion. "I’ll say it one more time. Stay out of this, jujutsu sorcerer! It’s none of your business!"
Itadori clenched his fists. "That’s not something you get to decide!"
Junpei’s shikigami struck again, but Itadori dodged, countering with a powerful punch that sent the creature flying. "Why are you getting in my way? Why? Why? Why?!" Junpei screamed, desperation in his voice.
Itadori landed in front of him, eyes blazing with determination. "Junpei, I don’t understand a damn thing you’re saying!"
Inside the school, Mahito watched from the top of the staircase, his patchwork face twisted in a sinister smile. As Junpei and Itadori continued to fight, Mahito descended the stairs, each step echoing ominously.
"Who are you?" Itadori demanded, sensing the malevolence radiating from Mahito.
"Nice to meet you… vessel of Sukuna," Mahito said, his arm mutating grotesquely.
"Junpei, run!" Itadori shouted, recognizing the danger.
But Junpei was conflicted, his mind a storm of emotions. "Mahito-san’s not a bad person…" he mumbled, though doubt was creeping into his voice.
Mahito placed a hand on Junpei’s shoulder, his expression mocking. "You know, Junpei, you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. But sometimes deliberation can lead to worse foolishness than imprudence. You’re almost as foolish as those people you call fools yourself."
Before Itadori could react, Mahito used his cursed technique on Junpei. The boy's body twisted and contorted, transforming into a monstrous curse. Itadori watched in horror as Junpei, now barely recognizable, charged at him.
"Junpei… why?" Itadori whispered, the pain evident in his voice as Junpei's corrupted form attacked him relentlessly.
"Sukuna… Sukuna!" Itadori called out desperately, hoping for a miracle. Sukuna's face appeared on his skin, but the cursed spirit only laughed.
"I refuse! Hehehehe!" Sukuna taunted.
"Pathetic! You couldn’t be more pathetic, brat!" he continued, mocking Itadori's helplessness.
As Junpei's monstrous form clutched at Itadori’s clothes, the boy’s last shred of humanity surfaced. "Yuuji… why?" Junpei's voice, filled with pain and confusion, echoed in Itadori’s ears as he collapsed, lifeless.
Rage filled Itadori's heart. He turned to Mahito, eyes blazing with fury. "I will kill you!" he declared, the words coming from a place so deep within that they felt like his very essence.
Mahito’s smile widened. "Don’t you mean you’ll ‘exorcize’ me, jujutsu sorcerer?"
The two clashed, Itadori's fists connecting with Mahito’s ever-changing form. The battle was intense, with Itadori’s relentless attacks meeting Mahito’s twisted defense.
As the fight raged on, Nanami arrived, his presence a calm amid the storm. "I’ll lecture you later. Tell me the situation," he said, assessing the scene quickly.
Itadori, panting heavily, responded, "I couldn’t save two people."
Nanami nodded, understanding the weight of those words. "Explain your physical state first."
"I’m fine, though I’m full of holes," Itadori admitted, a wry smile on his face.
"That’s not fine," Nanami corrected him. "Also, everyone from this school is unconscious in the gym."
Mahito's eyes sparkled with twisted amusement. "Hey, you’re alive and well 7:3 sorcerer! Glad to see we both survived. Shall we share a hug in celebration of our reunion?"
Nanami noticed the blood on Mahito's nose. "Itadori-kun, why is his nose bleeding?"
Itadori blinked in surprise. "Huh? I punched him."
Nanami's eyes widened slightly. "When?"
"At the start of our fight," Itadori explained.
Nanami’s mind raced. "My attacks won’t work on him."
"Huh? What? Why?" Itadori asked, confusion mixing with fatigue.
Nanami’s voice was steady. "I’ll explain while I’m lecturing you. One, his technique doesn’t work on you, or two, there’s some reason why he won’t kill you. Either way, that’s good for us. However, I can halt his movements. Once we’ve both created an opening, we’ll shower him with blows. We’ll make sure to exorcize him here."
Itadori nodded, determination in his eyes. "Yeah!"
The battle was far from over, but with Nanami by his side, Itadori felt a renewed sense of hope. Together, they would face the darkness, and together, they would fight to save what was left of Junpei's shattered soul.
Y/N sat elegantly in a high-backed chair, the dim light casting long shadows across the opulent room. She toyed with a delicate porcelain teacup, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns as if the action could summon her next words. Across from her, Kenjaku leaned back, an amused smile playing on his lips. He observed her with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue, his eyes following her every movement.
"You certainly know how to make an entrance, Y/N," Kenjaku said, his voice smooth and unhurried. "What brings you to me today?"
Y/N looked up, her eyes glinting with a mix of mischief and determination. She set the teacup down gently, the porcelain clinking softly against the saucer. Leaning forward, she met Kenjaku’s gaze, her voice steady and commanding.
"I have a proposition for you, Kenjaku. I want you to place a twenty billion dollar bounty on my head."
Kenjaku's eyebrows shot up, genuine surprise flickering across his usually composed face. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and studied her intently. "A bounty on your own head? That’s a bold move, even for you. What’s your angle?"
Y/N's lips curled into a sly smile. She stood up, pacing the room with a grace that belied the gravity of her request. "Think about it. Nothing attracts attention quite like a hefty bounty. Every curse, sorcerer, and opportunist will come crawling out of the shadows. And in the chaos, I’ll find exactly what I need—followers."
Kenjaku’s smile widened, his interest piqued. "You believe this will garner you the attention of those you seek?"
"I know it will," Y/N replied confidently. "People are drawn to power, to the thrill of the chase. They'll see me as a challenge, an opportunity. And when they come, they'll see what I can offer them. They'll become my followers, willing or otherwise."
Kenjaku tapped his fingers together thoughtfully. "It's a dangerous game you're playing, Y/N. A bounty that high will attract not just the curious, but the deadly. Are you prepared for the consequences?"
Y/N stopped pacing and turned to face him, her expression resolute. "I've considered the risks. This is the most effective way to gather the kind of power I need. Besides, I trust my abilities to handle whatever comes my way."
Kenjaku chuckled softly, a sound that sent chills down the spine of anyone who knew him well. "Very well. I’ll place the bounty. But remember, once the word is out, there’s no turning back."
"That's exactly what I want," Y/N said, a determined glint in her eye. "Let the world come for me. I'll be ready."
Kenjaku stood, extending his hand. "To a dangerous alliance, then."
Y/N shook his hand firmly, sealing the deal. "To a new era," she replied.
As she walked out of the room, the shadows seemed to follow her, whispering of the chaos to come. Kenjaku watched her go, a contemplative expression on his face. This was a game he could enjoy, a twist in the narrative that promised to be both entertaining and destructive.
Y/N knew the risks, but she also knew the rewards. The bounty would set the stage for her grand plan, a spectacle that would draw in followers like moths to a flame. And when they came, she would be ready to harness their power, to bend them to her will. The game was just beginning, and Y/N intended to play it to win.
The light streamed through the bakery’s large windows, filling the space with a warm, inviting glow. The scent of freshly baked bread and pastries mingled in the air, creating a comforting atmosphere that Y/N Orimoto found soothing. She was at the counter, waiting for her order to be prepared. Today, she had asked Gojo for permission to visit the bakery to pick up some bread for Nanami, as they had a mission together later in the day.
Y/N glanced around the bakery, admiring the array of breads and sweets on display. Her thoughts were preoccupied with the earlier encounter with the Star Religious Group. The weight of their visit still lingered on her, a heavy reminder of the past she had tried so hard to leave behind. But the normalcy of the bakery offered a brief respite, a chance to focus on something simple and familiar.
The cashier was wrapping up a selection of fresh bread when the bell above the bakery door jingled. Y/N glanced over her shoulder and froze. Standing in the entrance were the same robed figures from before, their presence immediately drawing the attention of everyone in the shop. Kiyoshi led the group, his sharp eyes scanning the room until they settled on Y/N.
Her heart skipped a beat as she turned back to the counter, trying to ignore the rush of anxiety that swept over her. Kiyoshi's gaze, however, was unwavering. The bakery’s warm atmosphere seemed to vanish, replaced by a chill that contrasted sharply with the comforting aroma of baked goods.
“Lady Y/N,” Kiyoshi’s voice cut through the murmur of conversation in the bakery, his tone as respectful as before. “I hope you haven’t forgotten our previous conversation.”
Y/N’s fingers tightened around the handle of her shopping bag, her mind racing. She hadn’t expected them to find her here, and the sudden intrusion was jarring. She glanced at the bread on the counter, feeling a pang of frustration. She had hoped for a quiet moment away from the chaos of her life, even if only for a short time.
“I remember,” Y/N said, her voice measured and cool. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “What do you want now?”
Kiyoshi stepped closer, his expression earnest. “We have come to offer you an opportunity to discuss matters further with Master Tengen. Your presence is required, and we believe it is time for you to make a decision.”
Y/N glanced around the bakery, noting the curious stares from other customers. She was aware of the disruption they were causing, and she could feel the weight of their gaze on her. The intrusion was unmistakable, and she felt a growing sense of unease. Her thoughts drifted back to her previous interaction with them, the names they had used, and the ominous implications of their words.
A brief internal struggle played out as she weighed her options. The allure of the bakery’s quiet comfort seemed to diminish as the reality of her situation settled in. The Star Religious Group had persisted, and it seemed they would not let her ignore their presence for long. Y/N knew that she couldn’t continue to evade their demands indefinitely.
She took a deep breath and met Kiyoshi’s gaze, her resolve hardening. “Alright,” she said, her voice firm. “I’ll go with you.”
Kiyoshi’s eyes softened slightly, a hint of relief visible in his expression. “Thank you, Lady Y/N. We appreciate your willingness to reconsider.”
Y/N turned to the cashier, giving a polite but distracted nod. “I’m sorry, but I need to leave.”
The cashier looked up with a mix of confusion and concern, but Y/N didn’t have time to explain. She turned back to Kiyoshi and his group, who waited patiently by the door. The robed figures seemed almost eager, their presence a stark contrast to the warm and welcoming environment of the bakery.
As Y/N walked toward them, she couldn’t shake the feeling of being drawn into something much larger than herself. The sense of inevitability that had accompanied the Star Religious Group’s visit was now stronger than ever. She felt a pang of regret for the simplicity of the bakery’s comfort that she was leaving behind.
Kiyoshi and the others led her out of the bakery and into the crisp morning air. The bustling city street felt distant and unimportant as they made their way to the waiting vehicles. The decision had been made; she was heading toward a meeting with Master Tengen, a meeting that promised to unravel more of the tangled threads of her past and present.
As they drove away from the city, Y/N glanced back, a sense of finality settling over her. The bakery, with its fleeting sense of normalcy, was now a distant memory. She was stepping into a world where her past lives and current existence intersected in ways she had hoped to avoid.
The journey ahead was uncertain, but Y/N knew she had little choice but to face it head-on. The Star Religious Group had made their move, and now it was up to her to navigate the path that lay before her.
The scent of fresh bread still lingered on Y/N Orimoto’s fingers as she was led into a dimly lit alley, her mind a mixture of irritation and resignation. Gojo had granted her permission to step out, allowing her a brief respite from the suffocating atmosphere of Jujutsu High. The bakery had been a welcome distraction, a small comfort in a world filled with chaos. She had even picked up Nanami's favorite loaf, intending to share it with him before their mission later today.
But the moment she stepped out of the bakery, the Star Religious Group had found her again. This time, there was no polite request, no time to think or refuse. They moved with a quiet efficiency that made it clear they were done waiting for her decision. Y/N barely had time to register the presence of Kiyoshi, the man who had spoken to her before, before she was blindfolded and ushered into a waiting car.
The darkness was disorienting. Y/N could feel the softness of the blindfold pressing against her eyelids, blocking out all light, plunging her into a world where her senses became her only guide. She felt her heartbeat quicken as a hand gently but firmly held her by the arm, guiding her through a series of twists and turns.
She tried to focus on the sounds around her, hoping to discern where they were taking her, but a pair of soft, padded covers were slipped over her ears, muffling the world into a dull, indistinct hum. The cacophony of the city, the chatter of pedestrians, the hum of traffic—all of it faded into nothingness. Her breath quickened, panic starting to creep in, but she forced herself to stay calm, to keep her mind sharp.
Then, something was inserted into her nostrils. Scent stoppers, she realized, meant to block any odors that might give her a clue to their destination. She inhaled deeply through her mouth, trying to keep herself centered, but the taste of nothingness was suffocating.
Without her sight, her hearing, or her sense of smell, Y/N was left with only touch and taste. The gentle pull on her arm, guiding her with an unspoken command to follow, became her only anchor in the void they had created around her.
They walked for what felt like hours, though she knew it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. Her heart pounded in her chest, every step feeling like a plunge into the unknown. She tried to count the steps, tried to map out the turns in her mind, but it was futile. All sense of direction had been stripped from her.
Her thoughts drifted to Nanami, to the bread she had bought for him. Would he be waiting for her, wondering why she hadn’t returned? Would Gojo notice her absence, or would they all assume she had merely taken her time? She clenched her fists, the crinkling of the paper bag in her hand reminding her that she was still holding onto the loaf of bread, as if it were a lifeline to her ordinary life.
Finally, they came to a stop. The grip on her arm tightened slightly, a silent command to stay still. Y/N stood there, her senses screaming in the void, every nerve on edge as she waited for whatever came next. The silence pressed in around her, thick and heavy, as if the world itself was holding its breath.
Then, she felt a slight shift beneath her feet, the floor beneath her starting to move. An elevator, she realized. They were descending, going deeper underground. The sensation of movement was disorienting without her sight to anchor her, and she fought the urge to sway, to reach out for something to steady herself.
When the elevator finally stopped, there was a brief pause before the doors slid open with a soft hiss. The hand on her arm guided her forward, leading her into what felt like a vast, open space. The air was cooler here, the temperature a stark contrast to the warmth of the city above. She could feel the faint vibrations of the floor beneath her feet, as if the space around her was alive, humming with an energy she couldn’t quite place.
They walked for a few more steps before the hand released her arm. She stood there, alone in the darkness, her senses deprived, her mind racing. What was this place? Why had they brought her here? And what did they want from her?
The sound of footsteps approached her, muffled but unmistakable. Someone was coming. Her body tensed, every instinct screaming at her to prepare for whatever was about to happen. But there was nothing she could do, not like this, blind and deaf and scentless.
Then, a voice broke through the silence. It was muffled, distant, as if coming from behind a veil, but she could just make it out. “Lady Y/N,” the voice said, calm and measured, the words almost reverent. “You have arrived.”
There was a pause, and Y/N felt the presence of someone standing before her. The blindfold, the ear covers, the scent stoppers—none of them were removed. She was left in the void, helpless and vulnerable.
“You are now in the presence of Master Tengen,” the voice continued, a note of awe creeping into the words. “He has been waiting for you.”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and curiosity swirling within her. She had heard the legends of Master Tengen, the immortal being who guided the jujutsu world from the shadows, but she had never imagined she would be brought before him like this, stripped of her senses, her defenses.
The silence stretched on, the tension in the air thickening with each passing second. Y/N forced herself to remain still, to keep her breathing steady, even as her mind raced with a thousand questions.
And then, she felt it—a presence, vast and ancient, wrapping around her like a shroud. It was unlike anything she had ever encountered, a consciousness that seemed to stretch beyond the confines of the room, beyond time itself. It was both overwhelming and oddly comforting, as if she were standing in the eye of a storm.
“Lady Y/N,” the voice spoke again, softer this time, almost a whisper. “Master Tengen wishes to speak with you.”
The presence around her shifted, and though she couldn’t see or hear or smell, she felt it—a subtle brush against her mind, a connection that transcended the physical. It was as if Tengen was reaching out to her, inviting her into a conversation that required no words, no senses.
Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. She was blind, deaf, and scentless, but she was still Y/N Orimoto, Y/N L/N, Y/N Haibara—whatever name she chose to bear. And now, she was about to face the truth of who she was, of what she was meant to be.
In the darkness, she waited, ready to listen.
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Chapter 1 - Need 4 - Maki Zenin x F!Reader
Chapter 1 – A Decision
Word count: 2.2 k
Chapter warning: Gojo being Gojo.
“Place it a little to the left” Choso kindly asked Nanami, who was placing a “Welcome back (Y/N)!” Banner, you could see Gojo running around placing the last decorations. “How are you so sure she will stop by?” Nanami asked as he climbed down the ladder.
“I´m her older brother, I know she will come” Choso said with a firm tone. “Besides, with the gift we left her, she´s gonna stop by to say what an amazing older brother I am!” Gojo commented now beside them, all the decorations were ready.
Gojo´s phone rang, seeing who was calling, he answered “Hey Ijichi, what´s up?” Gojo walked to the office inside the workshop. “A 2011 model? Let me see what we have in storage” Gojo winked at Nanami and Choso and got inside the office.
“Any word about the guys?” Nanami asked Choso, referring to Yuuji, Sukuna, Nobara and Megumi, they were supposed to go to the workshop after school for your party. “Yuuji sent me a picture of the 4 of them on their way, but that was a while ago, they should´ve come by already” Choso started to get worried.
“Maybe they stopped on the way, you know how Nobara drags them around when she sees something she wants to buy” Nanami reassured Choso as he stopped him from calling Yuuji “How long do we have until (Y/N) arrives here?”
“She called me an hour and thirty minutes ago when she got home” Choso checked his watch “So I´ll say we have 30 minutes to go” Gojo came out of the office with a manila folder in hand “Oi, Ino can you take this to the shop? Ijichi will receive it”
Ino who was taking a break, nodded, took the folder, and left to the main store. “Why couldn´t you just send it by mail?” Nanami asked Gojo, seeing him walk their way. “They needed a signature to authorize the sale.” Gojo answered while fixing his glasses.
“You know? I´m not a 100% sure to trust you guys” A female voice could be heard outside of the workshop “Not that I don´t trust you Megumi, but I don´t believe the arcade story”
“I don´t believe it either, especially since the arcade has been under maintenance the last week” Another voice answered, “Besides they both went together so if one of them gets in trouble, the other one can save their ass” Two bodies could be seen coming inside the workshop, one taller than the other. The taller one with messed up hair. The smaller one with straight hair. Both were wearing school uniforms, as they just came out of school.
Megumi and Nobara greeted Choso, Nanami and Gojo. Gojo quickly going over them to greet them with a hug, which both Megumi and Nobara tried to evade to the best of their abilities, but Gojo was faster and accomplished his goal.
Nanami just nodded his head at them, and Choso was the one who decided to speak “Kugisaki, Fushiguro, it´s nice to see you both stop by” Megumi rubbed the back of his neck “Well, you guys did say that there was going to be an important meeting today” Nobara added “And that we should come after school as fast as possible”
Nobara noticed something behind Choso, which made her gaze stop directly on it, it was the banner. “Welcome back (Y/N)?” Nobara read confused, but then it clicked in “Eh!? (Y/N) is back already!?” She asked surprised, to which Megumi turned his gaze to the banner too “Wasn´t she supposed to come back next week?”.
“For you guys, she was coming back next week” Gojo said excited, pointing at the two of them. “But actually, she was always going to come today. It was part of my plan to surprise the four of you!” Gojo realized something, something that both Choso and Nanami realized too.
“Where are the twins?” Choso asked, seeing that his little brothers weren´t with their friends. “That´s actually what we were talking about on the way here” Nobara crossed her arms “While I was looking for a dress, both Itadori and Sukuna ran off to, and I quote” Nobara made the quote sign “ ”The Arcade” or that´s what they told Fushiguro”
“We both know they didn´t go there, probably Sukuna had something in mind already and Itadori went with him to help if things escalated” Megumi explained. Choso hearing this moved his hand to his face and sighed “We´re sorry Choso” Megumi and Nobara apologized “Don´t be, you aren´t their nanny to be following them around, I´m not mad at either of you, I´m just thinking how to bring them back before (Y/N) gets here.”
A motorcycle engine could be heard from the distance “I think it’s a bit too late for that” Nanami said while checking his watch “She actually arrived fifteen minutes earlier than you thought Choso” Gojo commented “Well with that bike I´m surprised she didn´t arrive faster.” Gojo placed both of his hands on Choso´s shoulder shaking him a bit “Now loosen up racoon, our little-“
Choso interrupted him “my little” but Gojo decided to ignore him “Our little sister is coming here after four years of being away, let´s not receive her with a stressful aura alright? I´ll take care of Yuuji and Sukuna” Choso once again sighed “Thank you Gojo” Gojo slapped him in the back “No need, besides I think I know where they are” Gojo took out his phone and texted someone “He´s gonna check for us and bring them here” Gojo placed his phone back in his pocket “With that settled, let´s all greet our dear (Y/N)”
You could see the workshop entrance getting bigger as you got closer to it, excited at the thought of seeing part of your family after four years. You started to break and made a perfect parking in the entrance, seeing the number of cars being worked you thought ´Business is going as strong as ever´. You turned off the bike and took of your helmet, placing it in the seat of the bike, and seeing the main door open, you being you, decided to be sneaky and come in through the back door. ´Let´s see if the keys still work´
They did work, you mentally celebrated, and came inside the workshop, being amazed at how much it had changed, but at the same time it kept that familiarity you used to remember. You kept making your way inside the workshop, trying to locate your brother and his friends. When you saw that none of them were in their usual spots you though ´Did they change the office to a new place?´ you then heard Nanami´s voice and started to walk over there, and what you saw surprised you.
You saw your brother and his friends, Megumi and Nobara, the last one with her cellphone on hand, probably recording something, the five of them with their backs to you and their gaze stuck on the main door. You made your way over to them and stood beside Choso, looking at the main door too, and decided to ask out loud “What are we looking at?” Gojo, Nanami, Nobara and Megumi turned to you with smile on their faces, already knowing what you were going to do.
“We´re waiting for (Y/N) to come through the door so that we can surprise her” Choso answered, “Oh really? Hold on, let me just” You passed in front of them, went out the door, and instantly came back with a smile “Hello everyone!” you said with a big smile on your face. Nobara and Gojo started laughing, while Megumi and Nanami stood there with smiles on their faces. Meanwhile Choso started crying.
“(Y/N)!” Nobara ran over to hug you, you hug her back “Nobara! It´s been so long! How are you? Did you already got scouted?” You asked her excited, since you didn´t have a lot of time to keep in contact with her. You and Nobara talked for a bit, and your gaze turned to Choso and you noticed that he was crying,
“Choso don´t cry, I´m already here and I´m not going anywhere, you aren´t getting rid of me anymore!” You told him as you hugged him, Choso hugged you back and lifted you a bit from the ground “I know, its just that I´m happy that you´re back already”.
Gojo came over “Oi, oi, its my turn, don´t hog our little sister” Gojo pushed Choso and he hugged you, lifting you completely from the ground and turning around “Our amazing (Y/N) is back, although she isn´t as amazing as me” and thus began the small surprise party they made for your return.
You greeted Nanami who gave you a brief hug and expressed how happy he is that you were back, you also greeted Megumi, and ruffled his hair like you used to do when he was younger. You kept talking with them especially with Nobara and Megumi which you can´t see as much as the three adults, after a while, both Nanami and Gojo wanted to talk with you. The three of you excused yourselves and took a seat in Nanami´s office.
“I think you already know why we want to talk with you” Nanami commented, seeing you look at the pictures hanging on the wall, your vision stuck in a particular one “I do” you turned around to look at them, Nanami was sitting in his chair, while Gojo was leaning against the wall. “You want to know if I´m going to keep racing”
You sighed “Actually I had that thought running through my mind for a while” Both Gojo and Nanami looked at you “We know how much you must have though about it” Gojo said “Specially after what happened on your last race” Gojo said and Nanami grunted at the memory.
You frowned as flashes of the race ran through your mind, your fist tightening on itself “And we want to tell you that whatever your choice is, you will have our full support” Nanami said. The two of them looked at you, waiting for your answer, not rushing you as they knew that this was going to be a hard decision on yourself, since you´ve been part of the street racing world since you had memory.
Thanks to Choso, who has been part of that world since his teenage days, everything you know, its thanks to his teachings along with Gojo´s. When they were on their twenties. Gojo formed a crew called “Jujutsu Tech”, a crew he formed alongside your brother, and someone else, who up to this day you don´t know who it is. Nanami came to be part of the crew a few years later and became one of the three leaders.
The main point of the crew was to form part of Tokyo´s street racing life, getting to be on top of the street racing hierarchy, and being the greatest crew out there. Which they succeeded to do a few years down the road.
Having Gojo´s natural talent of being a pro racer, drifting, on road, off road, you tell it, the man could run anywhere anytime, got them to be on top of the charts for a long time, and up to this day they still are, thanks to his teachings to other members of the crew, with Choso´s ability to fix and tune any car, all the cars the crew used for a race were always perfect, and with Nanami´s mind on managing the crew, monitoring their races, and always keeping in mind the Tokyo Police Department, “Jujutsu Tech” came to be the top crew of Tokyo.
And you being the younger and only sister of Choso, learned to love everything about races while growing up, and when you were old enough, Choso gave you your first car. A Mitsubishi Lancer with the main coat being black, the secondary one being blue, and the details were coated in silver, that was fixed and tuned only by Choso, since it was going to be your first car, he wanted it to be special. And with that car you got the title of “The Flash Ninja”.
Which you got thanks to the speed you took during the races, and your ability to hide and confuse the police. Being part of the Street Racing world wasn´t easy, usually most of the races ended with the police chasing the participants. Some of the crew members have been caught by the police, but Gojo, Choso and you have never been caught by the police, Nanami doesn´t participate in the races, although he does have the ability to do so.
Only once you were almost caught by the police, and that was during your last race, but you got to run away from them on time and were never caught.
You sighed and looked at Gojo and Nanami “I went to Kyoto to get that university degree, so that I can run the motorcycle shop in a better way and keep the business growing” you started to explain “and after what happened last time, I don´t want to get caught and sent to prison, being unable to achieve what I want to”
The two of them look at you as you open your mouth to answer their question “I´m not going to keep racing.”
A/N: I´m sorry for the late update, for those who don´t follow me, allow me to explain, my computer died on me a few days ago, but everything is fixed, I hope... Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! The draft came out being almost 5.5K words long, the original plan was for Maki to appear again in this chapter, but I had to cut it in half, in the next one our queen herself will appear! Next update will be coming tomorrow or the day after, Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!
#jjk x reader#jjk x y/n#jjk maki#jujutsu maki#maki zenin#maki zenin x you#maki zenin x reader#jujutsu kaisen#jjk x you#jjk choso#jjk gojo#jjk yuuji#jjk sukuna#nobara kugisaki#nobara x you#fushiguro megumi#yuuji x sister!reader#choso x sister!reader#sukuna x sister!reader#jjk nanami
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i was missing the plug! sukuna gossip nights
the weeding thing omg???? if toxic megumi is there i can picture him and his girlfriend making the whole thing about them like he's trying to break up the fight between yuuji and kuna by setting sukuna aside and trying to calm him down (just because he's a little bit stronger than yuuji and he doesn't what to see his friends getting hurt) and megumi's girl goes "so you are a girlfriends thief's apologist?? maybe you are stealing some girlfriends yourself??🤨🤨" and making a whole scene while the og reader is crying on her weeding dress trying to calm yuuji and apologize to him and everything is a mess
also what is ino doing while all of this is happening??
i love all of this looking like a tragic comedy, you and your anons make me so happy💞💞
omg if toxic megumi is there he is not getting involved, he's taking the opportunity of his gf being distracted to scout out potential and then think of a way to have a fight with her later so he can go home with a new girl 😭
Tbh I can also imagine Ino slipping away to smoke bc he's STRESSED he'd be like yeah I'm not cut out for this drama let me just go... over... here... casually sneaking away to light up and try n relax bc the screaming and tears are entirely too much for him. And then when he gets back he's stoned as hell and finds the whole thing hilarious. (Sukuna might smack him).
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